

At Blue Cross, we are dedicated to providing quality services that suit your needs. We greatly appreciate your feedback as it will help us enhance our services. If you have any comments or complaints about our products or services, please contact us through the channels below. We promise to handle your comment in an efficient manner and will provide you with a written acknowledgement within 2 working days and a written reply within 10 working days upon receipt of your enquiry.

* Mandatory Fields

Salutation *

Surname *

Given Name *

Contact Telephone Number *

Fax Number

Email Address *

Are you an existing customer *

Policy Number

Insured Number

Claim Reference Number

Type of Enquiry *

Preferred Contact Method

Comment and Enquiry Details


(File must be in PDF, DOC, JPG format, and each file must not exceed 1MB.)
If you have further comment on the result of your complaint, you may contact us again or consider seeking assistance from the relevant industry or regulatory bodies below.

Insurance Agents Registration Board
Phone: 2520 1868
Insurance Authority
Phone: 3899 9983
The Insurance Complaints Bureau
Phone: 2520 2728
Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme Office
Phone: 2529 8900

  1. A written acknowledgement will only be provided if the comment or complaint is sent by mail or e-mail. For verbal comment or complaint by phone, the Company will respond to it within 2 working days.
  2. No written acknowledgement or written reply will be provided if the comment or complaint has been duly handled within the next business day upon receipt.
  3. The record of complaint will be kept for at least 7 years.